Best Alternative Analytics Tools To Google Analytics
There is absolutely no doubt about the predominant position Google Analytics enjoys worldwide in the space of web analytics. A majority of websites, blogs (some 60% of all existing ones) and marketers use this tool to enjoy its insightful and decisions-making data. More so, its popularity also emanates from its ability and flexibility to work well for websites or blogs of any nature, thus giving it a colossal edge over the rivals.
At the same time, Google Analytics is free and it gives data which are of a great help in optimizing a site and acquiring key insights on various metrics. It’s easy to set up and provides a support through a huge user base. In essence, this feature-rich tool makes you aware about users’ finding and using your site besides bringing some helpful demographic data about them.
However, despite all this, you may have reservations and skepticisms about using Google Analytics! You may have you obvious, not so obvious and valid reasons for not using it. If so, then what next? Worry not, as there are some great alternative analytics tools to Google analytics.
Here Are Some Best Alternative Analytics Tools To Google Analytics

Clicky is an excellent alternative to Google Analytics, and it’s rated among the most robust ones around. It offers real-time traffic info of a website apart from a link report showing traffic-sending external websites. Rich in features and easy to install, it’s as good a tool as any in the market currently.
Piwik PRO

It’s an open source analytics tool with an extremely easy to use and web-based interface. Installation is extremely simple and it’s amazingly quick in loading different screens. It allows users saving of notes and attaching them to an earlier date. Its richness of features makes it a wonderful tool for users to organize their marketing strategy.

KISSmetrics gives real-time data and makes an impact for its sharing of rich data. Its data funnel feature lets the owner find the weakest spot of the site to correct the flaws and convert more visitors. It dishes out sufficient information to optimize the landing pages of the website to bring in more profits.

Developed by former Google employees, it’s a decent analytics tool with amazingly cool user interface. It gives insights about site’s visitors and also helps in aggregation of their analytics reports. It’s extremely helpful for those in the e-commerce domain as it facilitates decision-making by giving behavioral profiles of users in real time.

Chartbeat is an efficient tool for focusing chiefly on real-time data and analytics. It has features that help notify site owners on immediate basis about any traffic spike or server crash. Comprising an elegant UI, it’s capable of conveying the users’ engagement with the site’s content.
Chances are that Google Analytics is not your cup of tea despite so much goodness. Don’t fret and fume, as you have options galore! Pick a viable alternative and let your business flourish through rich and sophisticated data and analytics about the site.
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